What is Newton's Second Law Of motion?




To understand this term, let us review some common observations :


(i) In the game of table tennis, if the ball hits a player, he is not hurt . But when a cricket ball moving at the same speed as the table tennis ball hits a spectator, he is hurt. This is because cricket ball is much heavier than the table tennis ball.


(ii) A truck moving at speeds as low as 5 metre per second may kill a person coming its way. This is again because of heavy mass of the truck.


(iii) A bullet of small mass fired from a gun may kill a person. This is because of large velocity of the bullet.


We observe that impact of motion produced by objects depends on their mass and velocity. Therefore, there must be some quantity of importance that combines mass of a body and velocity of the body. Newton identified this quantity and named it as linear momentum of the body. We define :


Linear momentum of a body as the product of mass of the body and velocity of the body.




m = mass of a body,


V = velocity of the body,



p = linear momentum of the body, then


linear momentum = mass x velocity


p = mv


i.e., linear momentum of a body at rest is zero or a body at rest possesses no linear momentum. Linear momentum is a vector quantity, possessing both, the magnitude as well as direction. The direction momentum is the same as the direction of velocity.


As SI unit of mass is kilogram and SI unit of velocity is metre/second ; therefore, SI unit of linear momentum is kilogram metre per second, which is written as kg m/s or kg ms-1, 


We find that when mass of a body is made twice, keeping its velocity unchanged, the linear momentum of the body becomes twice. Similarly, when velocity of a body of given mass is made twice, its linear momentum becomes twice again. If both, mass and velocity were made tiwice. the linear momentum would become four times.


From Newton's first law of motion, we have learnt that a force is required to change the velocity of a body. When velocity of the body changes, its linear momentum also changes. Therefore, an external force is required to change the linear momentum of the body.




 To understand Newton's second law of motion, let us imagine a situation in which a car with a dead battery is to be started. We know that a speed of 1 m/s given to the car may be sufficient to start its engine. Now, if one or two persons give a sudden push to the car, it hardly starts. But when the car is pushed continuously for some time over a straight road, it might start. This is because speed of the car increases gradually from zero to 1 m/s, over this time.


From this situation, we learn that change in linear momentum of the car is brought about by suitable magnitude of force, and the suitable time during which the force is exerted. Newton concluded from his studies that force necessary to change linear momentum of a body would depend upon the time rate of change of linear momentum of the body. This led to second law of motion.


According to Newton's second law of motion, the rate of change of linear momentum of a body is directly proportional to the external force applied on the body, and this change takes place always in the direction of the applied force.


Now, the rate of change of linear momentum of a body can be obtained by dividing change in linear momentum of the body by the time taken’ for this change. Thus, according to Newton's second law of motion,


change in linear momentum/time takenµForce applied


It means that when a bigger force is applied on a body, its linear momentum changes at a faster rate (taking less time) and vice-versa. Further, the momentum will change always in the direction of the applied force.



Some of our day-to-day observations can be explained in terms of Newton's second law of motion. As


F = ma =m(v – u)/t


therefore, force F can be reduced by incre: ing time taken t for the change in linear momentum of the body. For example :


1. Catching a cricket ball


To catch a fast cricket ball, a player pulls his hands backwards to prevent injury to his hands. By doing so, the player increases the time during which high velocity of the cricket ball reduces to zero. Thus, the acceleration of the ball a = (v - u)/t is decreased, and therefore, the impact of catching the fast ball (i.e., F = ma) is reduced, i.e., the player has to apply a smaller force against the ball in order to stop it. The ball, in turn, exerts a smaller force on his hands and the hands are not injured.


If the ball were stopped suddenly, the high velocity of the ball would be reduced to zero in a very short interval of time, t. Therefore, rate of change of linear momentum of the ball would be large, and therefore, a large force would have to be applied for holding the catch. The hands of the player would be hurt.


2. High jump


In the athletic event 'High Jump’, the athletes are made to fall either on a cushioned bed or on a sa bed. This is done to avoid injury to the athlete. Falling on a cushioned bed or on a sand bed will increase thu time during which high velocity of the athlete would be reduced to zero. This would decrease the rate of change of momentum of the athlete and hence the force on the athlete. The injury to the athlete is thus



3. Use of seat belts in cars


All the cars, these days are provided with seat belts for the passengers, which are rightly called safety belts. The purpose of seat belts is to prevent injuries to the passengers in case of an accident or in case of sudden application of brakes. In both the cases, the large momentum of the car reduces to zero in a very shor interval of time resulting in the development of a large force causing injuries. The stretchable safety belts worn by the passengers of the car exert a force on their body and make the forward motion slower. The time taken by the passengers to fall forward increases. Therefore, rate of change of momentum of passengers is reduced. Hence, the stopping force acting on the passengers is reduced. They may not get injuries at all or they may get away with minor injuries.


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