What is Newton's Third Law Of Motions?




From Newton's first law, we learnt what force is. The second law gave us a measure of force. It established that force acting on a body is the product of mass of the body and acceleration of the body. Newton's third law of motion tells us about the nature of the force.


According to this law, when an object A exerts a force on another object B, the second object B exerts a force back on the first object A, at the same instant. These two forces are always equal in magnitude, but opposite in direction. The two opposing forces are also known as the forces of action and reaction. The forces of action and reaction act on two different objects A and B. They never act on the same object. Thus, the third law of motion tells us that when two objects interact with each other, there occurs a pair of equal and opposite forces, and not just one force. Hence,


Newton's third law of motion states that to every action, there is always an equal and opposite reaction, i.e., the forces of action and reaction are always equal and opposite. These forces act on two different objects and never cancel each other. Each force produces its own effect.


To prove this law, we can perform a simple experiment as detailed here :


Fig. 2.6 shows two spring balances A and B connected together. The fixed end of spring balance A is attached to a rigid support like a wall. When a force is applied by pulling the fixed end of spring balance B to the right, both the spring balances show the same readings on their scales. It means force exerted by spring balance B on A is equal in magnitude, but opposite in direction to the force exerted by spring balance A on B.


If force exerted by spring balance B on spring balance A is called Action, then force exerted by spring balance A on B is called Reaction. As the readings on the scales of two spring balances are equal, therefore, the forces of action and reaction are always equal. The force of action on spring balance A is to the right, and the force of reaction on spring balance B is to the left. Thus, the forces of action and reaction are opposing forces. Obviously, these forces of action and reaction are acting on different objects, if action is on A, the reaction is on .


Further, although the action and reaction forces are always equal in magnitude, yet these forces may not produce accelerations of equal magnitude. This is because each force acts on a different object which may have different mass. The force acting on lighter body will produce greater acceleration and vice versa.



Some of our day-to-day observations can be explained in terms of Newton's third law of motion as follows:


1. Walking


To walk on the ground, we push the ground backwards with our foot, along OA. As a reaction, the ground pushes our foot forward with the same force, along OB. It is this forward reaction force of the ground that enables us to walk forward.


Walking becomes difficult when the ground is slippery or it is covered with snow or sand. This is because we can exert much smaller force in the form of backward action on the ground. The forward reaction of the ground will reduce accordingly.


2. Swimming


While trying to swim, a swimmer pushes the water backwards with her hands and feet. This is the force of action. The water pushes the swimmer forward with the same force (of reaction).


3. Recoiling of gun


When a bullet is fired from a gun, the gun recoils, i.e., the gun moves backwards through a small distance, giving jerk to the shoulder of the gunman. This is because on firing, the gun exerts some force on the bullet (i.e., action) in forward direction. In turn, the bullet exerts an equal force on the gun (i.e,, reaction) in the backward direction. The distance moved by the gun is smaller because gun is much heavier than the bullet,


4. Man and boat


Suppose a sailor is in a boat at rest near a river bank. As the sailor jumps from the boat to the river bank, the boat is pushed away from the bank. This happens due to equal forces of action and reaction.



5. The flying of rockets and jet planes



In a rocket, the fuel burnt appears in the form of hot and highly compressed gases. These are made to escape through a nozzle in the downward direction. As a reaction, the rocket moves upwards with the same force. The forces of action and reaction.


In a jet plane, the burnt gases rush out of a jet at the rear end (back end) of the aircraft. As a reaction, the jet plane moves forward with an equal force.


6. The case of hose pipe


To put out fire, the firemen direct a powerful stream of water on fire, from a hose pipe. While doing so, the hose pipe is to be held strongly because of its tendency to move backwards. As the water rushes out at a great speed from the hose pipe in the forward direction (action), the hose pipe tends to move backwards, due to an equal force of reaction.




It is a very important law, which has been deduced from Newton's third law of motion. According to this law :


When two or more bodies interact with one another, the vector sum of their linear momenta remains constant (i.e., conserved), and is not affected due to their mutual action and reaction. The only condition is that no external unbalanced forces should be acting on the system of bodies.


On Your Tips


1. According to Newton's third law of motion, to every action, there is always an equal and opposite reaction.


2. The forces of action and reaction are always equal and opposite. They act on two different objects and never cancel each other. Each force produces its own effect.


3. Though action and reaction forces are always equal in magnitude, yet these forces may not produce accelerations of equal magnitude. This is because each force acts on a different object, which may have different mass.


4. Some examples of Newton's third law of motion are: walking ; swimming ; recoiling of gun; man and boat ; flying of rockets and jet planes ; the case of a hose pipe etc.


5. According to the law of conservation of linear momentum, when two or more bodies interact with one another, the vector sum of their linear momenta remains constant (i.e., conserved), and is not affected due to their mutual action and reaction. The only condition is that no external unbalanced forces should be acting on the system of bodies. This law is deduced from Newton's third law of motion.


6. All applications/examples of Newton's third law of motion can be explained in terms of the law of conservation of linear momentum.




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