What Are The Basics of Internet ?


Basics of Internet


Today's life has become easier and you should thank to the immense contribution in the field of Internet technology that made communication and information sharing so simple. Internet has completely changed the way you communicate and made your life easier and more convenient. You can use Internet not only to communicate or instant message, send pictures or videos, share a live moment with a friend/family around the world but also do business, make new friends and know different cultures, search information, study, shop and order a pizza or monthly grocery.




Internet is abbreviated International Network or Interconnected Network. It is sometimes referred as the Net. It is a huge network of computers around the world or a global network of inter-connected computers, where one computer can be connected to any other computer in any part of the world. Hence, it is a network of networks.


It contains billions of web pages created by people and companies from around the world on all kinds of topic. The Internet also has thousands of services that help make life more convenient.


History of the Internet


By the early 1960s computer manufacturers had begun to use semiconductor technology in commercial products. They used both methods of processing, conventional batch-processing and time-sharing which allowed a computer's resources to be shared in succession with multiple users. The processing was done so quickly that it appeared that each system is dedicated to a user. This led to the idea of sharing computer resources over an entire network.


The first step was by the of the U.S. Department of Defense, in ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects. Agency (ARPA)]. It established its first host-to-host network connection on October 29, 1969. It was one of the first general-purpose computer networks.


a In the United States it became a vital infrastructure for the computer science research community. A lot of developments started happening, tools and applications, such as the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP, referred to as e-mail) for sending short messages and the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) for longer transmissions emerged.


The Internet resulted from the effort to connect various research networks in the United States and Europe. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency; formerly ARPA) established a program to investigate the interconnection of heterogeneous networks and called the program Internetting. It was based on the new concept of networking wherein the networks would be interconnected by gateways. In October, 1972, a successful demonstration of the ARPANET was organized at the International Computer Communication Conference (ICCC). This was the first public demonstration of this new network technology to the public.


In 1974 Vinton Cerf, collaborated on a paper that first described the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), which enabled different types of machines to share on networks all over the world.


In the early 1980s with the introduction of the personal computer and workstation, emergence of Ethernet and local area networks helped to fuel a rapid commercialization of the Internet. By the late 1980s the network was operating at millions of bits per second.


Know More


Vinton Gray Cerf, American computer scientist who is considered one of the founders, of the Internet. In 2004 he won the A.M. Turing Award, the highest honour in computer science, for his pioneering work on internetworking.


Who Governs the Internet


Every day the technology is constantly evolving but do you know who actually owns and controls the Internet?


The answer is, no one.


There isn't a company or government or any individual who owns or runs the Internet. Instead a combination of government agencies, international groups and companies in the private sector collaborate together to keep the fundamental technologies of the Internet working. The following groups form the rules that define how all of the different systems work:

Ø World Wide Web Consortium (W3C): The Internet society founded and headed by Sir Tim Berners Lee. It develops Internet standards, policies, software and provides an open discussion forum about the web.


Ø The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF): An international organisation with an open membership policy that has several working groups who maintain the Internet's architecture and stability.


Ø The Internet Architecture Board (IAB): An IETF committee, the IAB's mission is to oversee the design of Internet protocols and standards.


Ø The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN): A private non-profit corporation, ICANN manages the Internet's Domain Name System (DNS).


While none of these organizations own the Internet, they each influence how the Internet works.


Advantages of Internet


Life without Internet seems impossible. It is an instant access to an endless supply of knowledge and entertainment.


Internet has numerous benefits:


·      Information, Internet contains plethora of knowledge and information that allows you to learn knowledge, and about almost any topic or question you may have. Search engines, such as Google, learning Bing help retrieve information. You can ask any question and you will get at least a web page with an answer to that question.


·      Communication in the past, it would take days or even months to receive a letter from other part of and sharing country. Today, with the help of Internet, you can send and receive messages through an e-mail or do instant chatting with anyone in the world. On online forums people with common interests connect with each other, share view point or ask questions to experts.


·      Finding location With GPS technology, the Internet help map and quickly route to the location you and contact are looking for. It can give you the most relevant searches to find businesses in your information area that may sell or provide you with a service you need.


·      You access to your bank account to view your balance, make transactions, and send money. Also, many services enable you to view and pay your bills electronically.

·      Shopping is the another advantage of the Internet is online shopping, without having to visit a store. You can compare prices among products and read reviews as what others think about it.


·      The Internet is a place to sell most goods. You have access to more people than a local retail store. Also, the businesses can advertise their products or services specifically for a certain geographical area.


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