What is "Pascal's law"?




A substance which can flow is called a fluid. All liquids and gases are thus fluids. We know that a solid exerts pressure on a surface due to its weight. Similarly, a fluid exerts pressure on the container in which it is contained due to its weight. However, unlike a solid, a fluid exerts pressure in all directions. A fluid contained in vessel and in all



a vessel exerts pressure at all points of the This fact can easily be demonstrated in a very simple way by taking a hollow rubber ball and by making a number of fine pin holes at different positions on it as shown. The ball is filled with water by making one slightly wider hole and pouring water in it. The ball is then held in hand with a finger closing the wider hole and the ball is squeezed. Water is seen to rush out of the fine pin holes in the form of fine streams. If you place your finger of the other hand on any one of the holes, you will feel a thrust due to liquid. This demonstrates that the liquid contained in the vessel exerts a thrust at all points below its free surface. The thrust on a unit area at a point gives the pressure due to the liquid. It is further observed that all the streams of water reach almost the same distance in the air. This shows that the increase of pressure produced on squeezing the ball has been transmitted to every part of water contained in the ball and is responsible for pushing out the fine water jets. This observation is summed up by Pascal's law which states that:


In an enclosed fluid, if pressure is changed in any part of the fluid, then this change of pressure is transmitted undiminished to all the other parts of the fluid.




In order to understand buoyancy, let us perform the following simple experiments.


1. (a) Take an empty sealed can and place it in a tub of water. We find that the can floats.


(b) Push the can into water. When you do so, you feel an upward force acting on the can. This upward force on the can goes on increasing as you push the can deeper into water till the whole can is immersed in water. Once completely inside the water, a fixed force is needed to keep the can in position.


(c) Release the can when it is completely in water. You will notice that it bounces that the force of gravity pulls it downwards. Obviously, water exerts an upward force it upwards and this upward force is greater than the force of gravity acting on the can.


back in spite of the fact on the can which pushes can, i.e., the weight of the


2. (a) Take a cork and place it on water surface. We find that it floats on water with nearly (2/3)rd of its volume inside water.


(b) If you push the cork into water, it returns to water surface and floats again. In case, the cork is to be kept immersed in water with our fingers, we feel an upward force acting on the fingers.


From the above experiments, we conclude that an upward force acts on a body which is immersed in a liquid. This force is called the buoyant force or upthrust and the property due to which a liquid exerts upthrust is called buoyancy. Thus,


When a body is partially or wholly immersed in a liquid, an upward force acts on it which is called upthrust or buoyant force. The property of the liquids responsible for this force is called buoyancy.




All objects, including ourselves, are subject to a buoyant force due to surrounding air. But we do not feel this force as it is negligibly small as compared to our weight. This is due to the reason that the density of air is very small. But on the other hand, a balloon filled with hydrogen gas (or any other gas which is lighter than air), rises up as the upthrust on it due to surrounding air is more than the weight of the balloon and hydrogen gas filled in it.

Let Us See Some Examples of balanced and unbalanced forces


1.   Let us consider a wooden block placed on a horizontal table. A string X is attached to the right face of the block.

When we apply a small force P to the string X, the block does not move. This is because two pairs of balanced forces are acting on the block :


(i) weight mg of the block acting vertically downwards on the table.



(ii) force of reaction R of the horizontal table acting on the block vertically upwards.


As Ra=mg, therefore, this is one pair of balanced forces, which fails to move the block in the vertical direction. The other pair of forces is :

(i)                       applied force P tending to move the block to the right,

(ii)                    force of friction F between the rough table top and rough bottom surface of the block, acting to the left and opposing the motion.


 As F = P, therefore, this is the second pair of balanced forces which fails to move the block in the horizontal direction.


If we go on increasing the applied force to the string X, a stage reaches when the block begins to move on the table. At this stage, the applied force P becomes greater than the maximum value of opposing force of friction F. Thus the second pair of forces becomes unbalanced. That is why motion is produced in the block.


2. In a tug of war, i.e., rope-pulling by two teams, the rope does not move in any direction, because the forces applied by the two teams are equal and opposite, i.e., the forces applied are balanced forces. However, when one team releases the rope, an unbalanced force acts on the other team due to which the other team falls backwards.


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